Friday, December 21, 2012


White-breasted Nuthatch
Sitta carolinensis
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Sitta canadensis

I'm not sure that I had ever seen a Nuthatch before and now I've spotted and photographed two species within a month's time on opposite sides of the state. I spotted the White-breasted Nuthatch at a Davis Mountains State Park bird blind area and was fascinated by the way it worked the crevices of a hanging piece of cedar,  It deftly moved around and seemed more comfortable being upside down than right side up. From a recent article in the Houston Chronicle by Gary Clark, I'm apparently fortunate to be seeing Red-breasted Nuthatches in my Houston-area backyard as they do not normally migrate this far south.  I have three of these birds working the feeders between my yard and a neighbor's. They have been difficult to photograph as they only stay long enough at the feeder to grab a sunflower seed before flying into the upper branches of my oaks trees where the lighting is rather poor for photographs.  Once they find a fork in a branch, they wedge the seed into it and start pounding on it with their beak to crack it open and into bite size pieces. If a piece falls, they quickly fly down and grab it before it's lost and then go right back to the business of pounding on the seed. Like the White-breasted Nuthatch, the Red-breasted Nuthatch works up and down branches and is more often than not moving down a branch in an upside-down position.  Both species of Nuthatches have quite a loud call for such a small bird.  Actually, the Red-breasted Nuthatch's call was so unique to my ear that it quickly got my attention and now I know what I'm looking for when I hear it.  Their call has rather accurately been described as sounding like a small tin horn. As the photographs above demonstrate, their color pattern sets them apart with the white being much more bright on the White-breasted and the rust underparts much more distinctive in the Red-breasted.  The Red-breasted also has a black eye-line.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Callipepla squamata

This bird gained some attention back in 1994 when George W was running for Governor and mistakenly shot one on opening day of dove season.  That episode didn't seem to hinder his career as he eventually sent Ann Richards packing from the mansion and he went on to two terms as POTUS.  Killdeer are quite common birds throughout the US and Canada and are found in grassy fields and shorelines.  This may be why hunters routinely see them during dove season and it's likely a few are mistakenly shot by less-newsworthy folks. They are easy to distinguish from most other birds by their loud kill-dee or dee-dee-dee call, especially when flying.  The double black band on the chest is another distinctive feature, especially when comparing it to plovers.  When they fly, they reveal a reddish-orange rump that is not seen in other shorebirds.  Killdeer nest on the open ground, usually in a gravelly area. Sometimes, these gravel areas are inconveniently located in parking lots, soccer fields, and oil field caliche pads.  Even when you have a good idea of where the eggs might be, they are difficult to find.  Killdeer protect their nest from predators and pesky humans by acting as if they are injured and luring them away.  The killdeer in these pictures was part of a larger, loose flock at a playa lake mentioned in the Northern Harrier post.  Rather than fly off in a panic when the harrier approached, the Killdeer ran along the shoreline as it made a piercing dee-dee-dee call. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flame Skimmer Dragonfly

Flame Skimmer Dragonfly
Libelulla saturata

This dragonfly's bright orange color and interesting wing pattern caught my eye right away as it landed on a red yucca plant.  Flame Skimmers are normally associated with warm ponds, streams and hot springs so are typically found in the southwestern part of the United States.  Flame Skimmers start off as bottom dwelling aquatic nypmhs eating insects like mosquito larvae. The adult dragonflies feed on moths and flies, or anything else soft-bodied they are able to catch.  This Flame Skimmer was photographed at Balmorhea State Park whose San Solomon Spring feeds a stream ideal for this type of dragonfly.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Scaled Quail

Scaled Quail
Callipepla squamata

The 2012 Texas quail season starts tomorrow so I thought it was good timing to post this recent picture of a scaled quail that I took near Coyanosa, Texas.  Texas is home to four species of quail - Montezuma, Bobwhite, Gambel's, and Scaled.  While most quail hunters are familiar with Bobwhites, west Texas hunters chase scaled quail.  Texans call them blue quail, probably because of their blue-gray breast.  They are generally found in the western portion of the state with some range overlap with Bobwhites.  The bird pictured is a male; the buff-colored throat distinguishes it from the female's streaked throat.  Quail populations have plummeted in recent years due to a variety of factors, including habitat loss, drought, and predators. If you are interested in learning more about the biology and management of this quail, Texas Parks & Wildlife has an excellent publication titled Scaled Quail in Texas.  True to their preference to run instead of flying, this one grew tired of being a model and flew to the ground and simply ran off into the mesquite. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus

I was sure I had never seen a Northern Harrier before but I was in North Dakota and saw a hawk that I didn't recognize.  It had a long tail and what looked like a small head for a large bird.  I did not have a camera so I made a mental note of its features and looked it up in Sibley's when I got home - aha!  a Northern Harrier.  I photographed this Northern Harrier far west of the Texas hill country in the Pecos area.  I saw several over the course of a week flying low over the scrub brush in search of a meal.  I was watching a small playa full of killdeer, teal, and gadwall when everything suddenly scattered.  This female (males are gray and have a white underbelly) swooped low over the mesquite surrounding the playa looking to grab one of these flying morsels but without luck.  The picture above is the harrier as it gracefully glided over the small trees looking for one of the killdeer that might have been unaware of its presence. The facial disk gives it an owl-like appearance and this is one of the distinguishing features that helps me identify them.  The other is the very conspicuous white rump with a long tail.  Raptors are interesting and beautiful birds and Texas is fortunate to have many, including Northern Harriers, wander through during the fall migration period. 

This picture of the Northern Harrier provides a good view of the distinctive white rump, longer tail than most hawks, and the facial disk line that gives it an owl-like appearance, especially when viewed head on.

This view of the Northern Harrier shows the white rump, barred secondary feathers on the wings and the brown streaking over a buffy colored body.  The facial disk can also be seen. The next time you see a hawk like bird gliding low over a marsh or field, it might just be a Northern Harrier.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Tyrannus forficatus

Scissor-tailed flycatchers are common throughout Texas but seem to be more prevalent in areas with open fields and meadows.  This male was photographed at Lyndon B. Johnson State Park in an open field. If you look closely, you will see a small bug that was able to go unnoticed as the flycatcher looked the other way.  They are often seen sitting on barbed-wire fences, fence posts or powerlines waiting on an opportunity to catch an insect.  These flycatchers are quite acrobatic in catching insects on the fly using their tails for balancing and maneuvering in mid-air.  I watched one male make continuous catches of grasshoppers and then impale them on barbed-wire, presumably to eat or share later.  They are quite striking when they hover over a soon-to-be victim with their wings and forked tail outstretched.  One of my personal photo challenges is to capture an image of a flycatcher in this pose. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Pandion haliaetus
Pandion haliaetus

This Osprey is the same as the one below but I took this picture on Monday (Nov 19th) a month and a half later.  The fishing must be good at this spot on the Pedernales!  It hunts from a dead tree overlooking the river and from a powerline stretching across.  Although the Osprey did hover over a spot like it was going in for a fish, it changed its mind, so still no luck of a photo of it catching a fish. The challenge continues.

Pandion haliaetus

I came across this Osprey hunting over the Pedernales River near Johnson City, TX and was lucky enough to get a few shots of it flying away.  Ospreys migrate from the far north and winter in Texas and deep into South America.  I've seen them along the Texas gulf coast and on inland lakes like Buchanan.  They perch above the water on old tree stumps or pilings where they have a good view for finding a fish dinner.  When they see a fish, they hover above it, kind of like a seagull does, and then drop feet first into the water to grab it.  For comparison, Bald Eagles don't plunge feet-first to grab a fish but instead snatch it from the water's surface as they fly by.  The Osprey is easy to distinguish from a Bald Eagle by their smaller size, all white breast, and the dark bar running through their yellow eye. Unlike other raptors, the Osprey and owls have a toe that can be turned backwards.  This aids the Osprey in grasping a fish and the toe can be turned forward to perch.  Along with Bald Eagles, Ospreys were one of the poster birds for the decline of certain birds due to DDT use.  I hope to see more Ospreys this fall and winter with the challenge of photographing one catching a fish.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ladder-backed Woodpecker

Ladder-backed Woodpecker (male)
Picoides scalaris

Ladder-backed Woodpecker (male)
Piocoides scalaris

 Ladder-backed Woodpecker (female)
Piocoides scalaris

There are some common bird names that make me wonder how in the world they came up with it but with the Ladder-backed Woodpecker it is easy to see how it got both it's common name and Latin name (scalaris=ladder).  Check out the "ladder" pattern on its back.  This pattern is very distinct and makes it easy to identify these woodpeckers which are a common sight in the Texas hill country.  A similar species with a "ladder-back" is the Nuttall's Woodpecker but it's unlikely you'll see one in the hill country as they are mainly found in California. The male ladder-backed has a red cap while the females have a black cap.  These woodpeckers were photographed at one of my favorite camping and birding spots, Pedernales Falls State Park.   

Friday, September 28, 2012

Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren
Thyrothorus ludovicianus

This perky bird is a Carolina Wren.  A fun little bird to watch, it is constantly on the move in and around low, thick brush poking its bill into nooks and crevices looking for bugs and spiders.  Their tail always seems to be at attention as they decide where to hop next.  I've seen wrens nest in hanging baskets and dryer vents and been told of them nesting in a car engine compartment that sat idle for a couple weeks in a driveway.  I believe the last one because I watched a wren flit in and out of a truck's wheel well one day.  Not sure if it was looking for a nesting spot or plucking dead bugs. I was lucky enough to catch a shot of this one when it stopped for second as it figured out where to go next at the new bird blind in Pedernales Falls State Park.  Next time you see one of these guys in your yard, stop for a little entertainment by watching it zip around looking for lunch with what seems like endless energy.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Swainson's Hawk
Buteo swainsoni

Dove season in Texas opens this year on September 1st so I've decided to post a photo of a Swainson's Hawk who is getting a jump on the hunters.  This hawk grabbed this dove out of the air and landed on the fence in front of where I was parked.  It was one of those special moments a naturalist feels fortunate to see.  The dove never struggled but as the hawk worked on trying to get a better grip on his prey, it dropped it to the ground and flew off.  The dove lives another day and perhaps as a meal for something else.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Texas Brown Tarantula
Aphonopelma hentzi

Another creepy creature is the Texas Brown Tarantula.  Although they look fearsome, they are really quite docile and even be kept as pets. They have some wicked looking fangs and can bite if harassed but rarely do.  I would guess that a general fear of spiders coupled with the size of this guy is what makes people scared of them.  You can actually pick them up and gently handle them without much problem but watch out for those "hairs" on their abdomen, they can be irritating to your skin and are actually one of the tarantula's defense mechanisms.  Rather than building webs like most spiders, tarantulas live in burrows.  While at a Boy Scout camp in Oklahoma a few years ago, I saw dozens of tarantulas crawling around after they were forced from their burrows by days and days of steady rain.  Next time you see one crossing a trail or a road, let him make it across or stop and watch him for a while.  He won't bother you if you don't bother him.

Least Grebe

Least Grebe
Tachybaptus dominicus

The Least Grebe is not the most colorful or dynamic bird but I liked the way the mirror image of this one reflected off the calm water. Unless you are in south Texas (this one was photographed at Estero Llano Grande State Park), you rarely see these but are more likely to see a Pied-billed Grebe. I've watched grebes during slow days in the duck blind and they are constantly diving in a search for a small fish or invertebrate.  The most distinguishing feature on the Least Grebe is its yellow eyes.  It's evident in this picture but seeing one in person gives a real sense of how those yellow eyes seem to glow against the gray body.  They are skittish but I've never seen one actually fly.  They just dive when scared and resurface somewhere else; simple entertainment for a duck hunter guessing where it will popup.  I have also never seen one out of the water. In clear water, you get a good view of how far back their legs are on their body as they swim around.  I think if they tried to stand up on land with their legs being so far back they would probably fall forward and get their bill stuck in the mud.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron
 Egretta caerulea

I posted this picture not just because the Little Blue Heron is a pretty bird in its own right but  because it's a nature 3-fer. The heron is scratching an itch while balanced on a limb but if you look carefully, you can see an alligator behind the heron sunning itself on the tree trunk. I wonder if the heron knew it was there or if the gator was hoping the heron would hop over where it could get an easy meal.  Another close look to the right of the picture on one of the branches is a red dragonfly. So there's your 3-fer, a bird, a reptile, and an insect all using the same tree carcass in the middle of Grebe Marsh at Estero Llano Grande State Park.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tobacco Hornworm

Tobacco Hornworm
Manduca sexta

I found this colorful caterpillar crawling on my tomato plant after it had eaten a good portion of the leaves.  At first glance and using the clue that I found this on a tomato plant, it might  be tempting to call this a Tomato Hornworm rather than a Tobacco Hornworm.  What's the difference?  The Tobacco Hornworm has 7 stripes on its side while the Tomato Hornworm has 8 V-shaped stripes on its side.  The Tobacco Hornworm has red "horn" while the Tomato Hornworm has a black "horn".  Rather than pluck this destructive little bugger off the plant before it could do more damage, I left it there as its fate had already been naturally sealed.  Those white things on its body are egg sacs from a parasitic Braconid wasp.  The caterpillar is the food source for the little wasps when they hatch.  Goodbye Mr. Hornmworm. When the Tobacco Hornworn is able to escape wasps and irate gardeners, they actually pupate into a large and pretty moth called a Sphinx moth.  Sphinx moths are cool to watch in the garden as they can hover at a flower like a hummingbird. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Striped Bark Scorpion

Striped Bark Scorpion
 Centruroides vittatus

A change of pace in this post away from things that fly to things that crawl.  In this case, it's a Striped Bark Scorpion we found at the ranch hiding under a rock trying to stay cool on a 99 degree Texas summer day.  You can see the striping well on this one and the little triangle on the head that points to its eyes.  Seems like there is one of these guys hiding under every rock in the hill country and we've had to keep our eyes open as we clean up around the place.  Scorpions are interesting little critters as they are actually arachnids like spiders and ticks (count the legs, there are 8).  I've never been stung by one (yet) but they say it's like a wasp sting so it probably hurts for a half hour or so.  This kind of scorpion won't kill you unless you have some kind of allergy to their venom but I'm sure a sting can induce some choice words to flow from your brain to your mouth.  They are not very aggressive and tend to try to hide again after they are uncovered.  Scorpions do get a little defensive when poked with a stick, like when you are trying to position them for a photo.  They catch all kinds of bugs for dinner and inject venom in them with their stinger.  They have very tiny mouths so they inject digestive juices into their catch to make an insect smoothie for dinner.  Another cool thing about scorpions is that they glow fluorescent under a black light at night.  Most of the ones I've seen on a night time blacklight hunt are a glowing green color.  I've actually seen scorpions all over Texas from the piney woods in the east to the hot, dry caliche ground in the south to the Davis Mountains area in the west.     

Monday, August 13, 2012

Black-chinned Hummingbird (female)

Black-chinned Hummingbird (female)
Archilochus alexandri

Hummingbirds are fascinating.  For such a small bird, they are highly territorial and seem to be constantly chasing each other away from feeders or resting branches.  This female was constantly looking around to make sure she wasn't going to be the next target of a dive bomber.  Most people forget that hummingbirds get nutrition from sources other than nectar (flowers or feeder supplied); they eat a tremendous amount of spiders and small insects.  The female black-chinned and the female ruby-throated are very similar and hard to tell apart.  Not sure I would even have a clue without a picture to study.  Since about a half dozen of each species was present, I wasn't able to take the easy route of eliminating one. I settled on the black-chinned because of the longer bill and grayer head vs the greener head expected on a ruby-throated.  Would have been more helpful to see the wing shape (tips are broader on black-chinned) but the wing is to close to the body to tell.  This picture was taken at the old bird blind at Pedernales Falls State Park in Johnson City, Texas, one of my favorite picture-taking spots.  It can be difficult taking hummingbird pictures there because they always seem to be where the light is behind them and I end up with hummingbird silhouettes.  Got a bit of luck with this one as she landed nearby and stayed long enough in some decent light to get some shots.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Dendrocygna autumnalis

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks are becoming more and more common in our suburban areas.  The only place I used to see them regularly is out on the Katy prairie and they would all be gone before duck season started.  It's almost like they knew it was time to clear out when the teal started showing up.  Now you'll see them in retention ponds and swimming pools in neighborhoods.  I've had them roost in our pine trees.  I enjoy hearing them whistle to each other as they fly over; it always gets my attention.  This one was photographed at Estero Llano Grande State Park in the summer.  There was a flock of about 3 dozen there and this one was coming in to join the group.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird
Mimus polyglottus

No matter where I go in Texas, I always seem to see or hear a Mockingbird. No wonder it is the Texas state bird (since 1927).  This one was photographed at Hugh Ramsey Nature Park in south Texas.  Hugh Ramsey Nature Park is one of the 9 locations that make up the World Birding Center.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Texas Hill Country

As my first post on this blog, I thought it would be appropriate to start it with a picture of a whitetail buck.  When Texans think of wildlife in the hill country, they think of  deer and deer hunting.  Deer are plentiful here and in some cases considered a nuisance (especially when they are munching on the suburban landscaping).  This deer was photographed at Pedernales Falls State Park near Johnson City, Texas.  The park participates in public hunts to keep the herd size in check.  I've been fortunate enough to be selected on those hunts a few times but haven't seen any as nice as this one while in the blind.